The OSFDC was established in the year 1979-80. Its objective is to implement /
take up various economic programmes for the benefit of the poor Scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Tribe (DTDP) and Scavengers of the State.
The OSFDC implements a variety of income generating schemes and skill development
programmes for which funds are received mainly from four sources. The Special
Central Assistance (SCA) to Scheduled Caste Component Plan
(SCCP) received from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is
administered through the OSFDC primarily for family oriented income generating
scheme in respect of SC families below the poverty line and related
/ relatable infrastructure. The income generating schemes are implemented
involving Blocks, urban Local Bodies and District / Assistant District
Management of OSFDC. Beneficiaries are given bank loan under viable
schemes with 50% subsidy of the project cost. Besides OSFDC receives fund under
SCA to TSP, for credit linked income generating schemes and infrastructure
development incidental to income generation for dispersed
tribals. OSFDC also receives funds from the National Finance Development
Corporation of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and safai karmacharies and
implements programmes for the target groups.
The board objectives of the corporation are:
- To plan, promote and assist employment – oriented for Agriculture
Development,Animal Husbandry, Trade, business and other income generating
activities for eligible Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes helping them
to earn a better living and improve their living standard.
- To borrow funds to provide and improve their and cash credit for income
generating activities of eligible SCs & STs.
- To enter into agreement and, or arrangement with Govt. National and State
Level Financing Agencies and Corporations for providing Funds to implement
various schemes approved by Govt.
- To arrange for publicity of marketable produce of the beneficiaries by
opening Showroom,Emporia, Exhibition etc.
- To receive grants, gifts, donations, loans and advances or other the money
on deposits or otherwise from State Govt. or Govt. of India or National and
or State level Financial Agencies and Corporations with or without
allowance or interest thereon in pursuance of the objects of the
- To undertake any other activities including drawing up programnes from time
to time as may be deemed necessary, conducive, incidental or ancillary for
all-sided development of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
The important programmes implemented by OSFDC are:
- Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan (SCA to SCSP).
- Special Central Assistance to Tribal SubScheme (SCA to TSS - For Dispersed
Tribals residing out side the ITDA, MADA, Micro Project and Cluster Areas).
- Schemes for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS).
- Implementation of High Value Term Loan with Financial Assistance from NSFDC,
NSTFDC and NSKFDC (National Corporations).
(A) Schemes Implemented for Sch. Castes out of SCA to SCSP
- Credit Linked Family Income Generating Schemes for SCs,
- Infrastructure Development Programme Incidental to IGS limited to 10% of the
total SCA funds,
- Income Generation with Cluster Based Development Approach,(IV) Skill
Development Trainings.
- Skill Development Trainings.
(B) Schemes Implemented for Sch. Tribes (DTDP) out of SCA to TSS
- Credit Linked Family Income Generating Schemes for STs,
- Skill Development Training for Dispersed Tribals.
(C) Implementation of High Cost Loan Programme by OSFDC with Term Loan
Assistance from National Corporations such as NSF DC, NSTFDC & NSKFDC.
- NSFDC (National Sch. Caste Finance & Development Corporation)
- NSTFDC (National Sch. Tribe Finance & Development Corporation)
- NSKFDC (National Safai Karmchari Finance & Development Corporation)
- Rehabilitation of manual scavenger & their department.